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2019年の春、ソロピアノアルバム「艸(SOU)」を発表。現在、新しいアルバムを制作中。また、once-in-a-lifetime music(一生に一度の音楽)をキーワードに、即興演奏スタイルをベースに時間芸術の醍醐味への探究を始める。

once-in-a-lifetime music~works #1実験作成中。instagramにて公開中。

~Profile~ 東京音楽大学卒業 音楽療法士

c.o.d.a. creates the musical works with Piano, voice, and Shinobue (bamboo flute) which is contemporary but also classical, jazzy, and ethnic from her unique view of the world. She enjoys enrich the life with a precious encounter of music and people. The theme of her life of music is “Dreamuse”. It’s a made-up word with a combination of dream, amuse, and muse. 

June 2019, first album 艸 (SOU) was released. Now working on new album and started a project ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME MUSIC to seek a temporal art based on impromptu performance.


Graduated from Tokyo College of Music

Music therapist

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